Ville Laakson väitöskirja ilmestyi AMAF-sarjassa

Ville Laakso väitteli Turun yliopiston arkeologian oppiaineessa teoksella, joka on julkaistu SKAS:n AMAF-sarjassa.

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Väitöskirja on julkaistu englanniksi.


Papinniemi in Uukuniemi and Related Archaeological Sites of the Eastern Orthodox Cultural Area in Finland

Ville Laakso:  Papinniemi in Uukuniemi and Related Archaeological Sites of the Eastern Orthodox Cultural Area in Finland. Archaeologia Medii Aevii Finlandiae XIX. Turku 2014. 197 sivua. ISBN 978-952-67329-4-7. ISSN 1236-5882.

The main purpose of this study is to address, with reference to archaeological material, the complex of structures and remains at Papinniemi in Uukuniemi, East Finland and the community that occupied this site, and to place them as broadly as possible in their relevant cultural context.

Papinniemi is an example of the overall major change in settlement in the mid-17th century that led to the formation of several archaeologically interesting deserted dwelling sites throughout Käkisalmi Karelia. Owing to its diversity and good degree of preservation, the Papinniemi complex can be regarded as particularly significant archaeological remains of the Orthodox cultural sphere in Finland.

The archaeological excavations of the deserted village have concerned the remains of a dwelling and a church, the cemetery, a field-clearing cairn and the location where a coin hoard was deposited. The archaeological material indicates both varied and intensive human activity in the area. The Papinniemi complex dates from the 15th–17th centuries.